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Millie is a beautiful 3 year old Mastiff Mix and is full of love, attitude, and admiration for our office treats! She has been coming to our hospital for care since 2018. Her mom recently brought her in for her yearly preventive care exam.

At the time of her visit her mom had no health concerns. Millie’s mom had mentioned to us that when Mille plays hard and runs for long periods of time she will limp a little on her hind leg, however she was not too concerned since the limping only occurred during specific times.

As part of Dr.Lim’s recommended preventive care for all pets, she encouraged Millie’s mom to run some annual blood work. Millie’s mom was hesitant as all was clearly healthy with her but had decided to move forward with the recommendation.

Upon reviewing Millie’s bloodwork Dr.Lim had noticed some changes in her blood levels from the previous year. The changes Dr.Lim noticed rose a red flag for possible Valley Fever and recommended to Millie’s mom, one more blood panel to check for valley fever.

Millie was diagnosed with Valley Fever on January 16th, 2019.
The only sign of illness that Millie was presenting was some slight limping. How long would Millie have gone with this illness if her mom had not decided to move forward with her preventive care? We are so grateful we are able to take care of Millie in the early stages of her Valley Fever and before she was showing major signs of illness.

Millie’s mom even said “Oh my gosh, How would I have known?” We are so GREATful that Millie’s mom trusted in our recommendations and ultimately decided to move forward with her Preventive care.

We want to work together as we make decisions with and for your pet.
We are passionate about educating pet parents and making sure your pet lives a long and prosperous life.
Preventive care, as shown in this case, has not only prevented an illness from spreading but has saved a life.

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